Practice Information

Supplier Name (IT Only)

Healthtech 1 gathers this information from the practice.

Contract End Date (If applicable, IT Only)
Contract Location (IT Only)


Contract Start Date (IT Only)
November 1, 2021
Date IA issued (if applicable)
November 1, 2021
Date IA returned
Date of last audit
October 18, 2021
Do you receive it from someone outside your organisation or share it externally?

No, we recieve this directly from the practice.

Has there been a breach since last audit?
If breach since last audit, have all action items been completed?

Azure Cloud in UK South Servers

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Risks if there is a breach

Contact information we get from practices is public already. We also create documentation of each practices

Shared Externally? If so, is the Process Included on the ROPA?


Special Category Data?


What information is kept here, why?

Information needed to associate a registration with a practice in the clinical system.

What security measures have been put into place

This information is stored within enterprise grade software, Google Workspace. We've ensured that our subscription is the most secure version - Google Enterprise Plus. This gives us the ability to keep our data within the EU, store backups, have advanced security controls as well. This is above the security level of most organisations.