Supplier Name (IT Only)
Contract End Date (If applicable, IT Only)
Contract Location (IT Only)
Cloud, Physical
Contract Start Date (IT Only)
November 1, 2021
Date IA issued (if applicable)
November 1, 2021
Date IA returned
Date of last audit
October 18, 2021
Do you receive it from someone outside your organisation or share it externally?
No, we generate this.
Has there been a breach since last audit?
If breach since last audit, have all action items been completed?
Azure Cloud in UK South Servers, Stratford Village Surgery
Risks if there is a breach
Sensitive company information on our activities, people and assets could be accessed. With malicious intent, the actor could create disruption to our client and their end user needs.
Shared Externally? If so, is the Process Included on the ROPA?
Special Category Data?
What information is kept here, why?
General plans, operations, documents that help us reach our company objectives! To reduce the admin burden away from GP practices!
What security measures have been put into place
Similar to our practice information. Plus internal security processes to ensure that internal data remains within.