
Healthtech-1’s Change Log

Any question on these new features, reach out to support@healthtech1.uk or go to support.healthtech1.uk

Wednesday 20th December 2023

📄 Registration Form

  • We now ask patients if they are a carer! If they say yes, they’ll be asked which type of carer they are. This will be coded in your clinical system according to what option they choose. Patients will also be sent an email signposting them in the direction of NHS guidance on support available for carers.
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💌 Patient communications

  • We now send a prompt within the welcome message for children under 6 for booking in a new baby health check if the patient is a new born baby: “If they’re a newborn baby, please contact us to book a new baby health check”.

Tuesday 5th December 2023

🖥️ Hub and 📄 Registration Form

  • We added a couple of festive touches! Brrrr 🥶 ☃️

Thursday 29th November 2023

📄 Registration Form

  • We improved the wording used on the parental responsibility page of the registration form. We added the phrase ‘care arrangement’ and added a link to the Gov.uk definition of parental responsibility.

Tuesday 28th November 2023

🖥️ Hub

  • We brought 🧮 Analytics to the Hub! You can now delve into the data for your practice’s registrations anytime you’d like. Data will be refreshed every month. We’re excited to improve with your feedback - in fact, we’re already working on more graphs for you!
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Friday 24th November 2023

📄 Registration form

  • The ‘Needs Interpreter’ SNOMED code is added to a patient’s records when they select that they need an interpreter on the registration form.

Friday 20th October 2023

🖥️ Hub

  • Notification emails — Our previous emails were ugly and distracting. We’ve made them read better for you now!

📂 Lab report automation

  • Have you heard? We’re building a new product! This time, for doctors. The automation files simple lab reports, starting with the low risk ones, according to a protocol that you approve. We’d love for you to join the pilot, leave your details here: https://www.healthtech1.uk/lab-reports

🎁 Other improvements

  • Lots of internal investments to help us push code out more frequently and with more confidence. Non-techy explanation: we’re improving our factory’s assembly line. Techy explanation: we’re upgrading our CI/CD pipelines 🚚

Friday 6th October 2023

🖥️ Hub

  • Find a patient — You can now search for patients by last name
  • Find a patient — You can now search for patients by last name

🧑 Patient matching

  • Improved matching patients to the Spine by ensuring names that include dashes are handled correctly
  • Increased the safety of the confirm patient details feature by checking dates of birth when you confirm patient details

📄 Registration form

  • Health questions —
    • Practices can choose to make height and weight, alcohol status, smoking status, and exercise frequency mandatory
    • Improved wording on the smoking question
  • Pick a pharmacy — Practices can allow patients to select a pharmacy as part of the registration process, including support for dispensing practices and non-EPS practices
  • Address — Patients can now input their room number when entering their address

🎁 Other

  • Fixed a bug which meant the green pulsing progress indicator at the top of the registration form would not be coloured or pulsing
  • Fixed a bug which showed next of kin fields on the registration form as required when they are not actually required
  • Performance uplifts to the automation
  • Increased capacity for university registration season